It's all over and yet, it's all just beginning. I'm on my honeymoon, the majority of it is already over and it's only been a week since I got married to Josh. Can't believe it's been over for a week felt like it was never going to happen! Well, we're out on the California coast, enjoying nature. We are not, however, enjoying the bad food, mediocre massages, and frayed bathrobes that have been advertised. I should speak for myself. Josh thinks it's all the cat's pajamas (he dislikes the food though). I had a nasty cold for a few days. My head was full of snot and ache-y-ness. Looking around hurt. So I slept the first couple of days and stared at people blankly. Now I still stare a bit blankly (some things just leave me dumbfounded), but at least my face is back to its original color and I'm feeling better about hiking. Although I notice I just lost signal from the wireless provider! Drat!
But first, the wedding. A MAZ ING. Probably the best wedding I have been to. I think all brides and grooms think this about their own wedding. But many people told us that it was the best wedding they had been too and I think it was because it was such a large community effort. So many people made it this awesome experience. We had tons of our closest friends and family kick it into high gear. Michael and Selena were AWESOME registrars, Luke and Kate made awesome signs and made sure the whole place looked fabulous, Aaron took care of all things Audio and Visual, Elise held the clipboard and whistle to keep everyone in line, Stan took a ton of pictures and kept things running smoothly, Lauren made sure not to leave me alone too much and help make me up to look beautiful for the dinner, Tristen was always around to be in good spirits (even when things were a bit touch and go), Taylor held space and helped me ground when I started to float away, my family was awesome, Josh’s family was awesome, and our friends who came for the ceremony were so nice to see and share time with!
The weekend was awesome and the ceremony was heart blowing! The Quaker ceremony was the pinnacle. So many people stood and shared and their heartfelt words were so moving! Ricardo stood and offered the story of his first paycheck going to pay for a ET doll that I so desparately wanted. I practically sobbed my eyes out. And my oldest friends stood as well and to see them and hear them reaffirm our commitment was great. There really aren’t words that can categorically describe and praise the event. Then we lit candles and everyone lined up so we could walk through them on our way to the Jewish ceremony. It was beautiful! The Jewish ceremony was short and sweet and we read our vows and Josh stomped the glass. It was really a nice ceremony. Rabbi Michael was a hit (we had no doubts about that though). Then we went off to a chilly yichud, guarded by Stan. It was great. People were so amazing. We went to change into our matching track suits (since we’d become a married couple) and Stan and Aaron did an amazing job of getting the laptop, setting it up, queuing ‘Eye of the Tiger’ in about 15 minutes (with no prior knowledge that they had to do this). We ran in and danced our first song to Eye of the Tiger complete with air punches and speedbag punches. It was so awesome!
Of course there were some major misses, but no one knew and we didn’t care eventually. It’s hard to plan events like this! I know why they have rehearsals!
The food was great too. Our friends Dylan and Kurt, as well as several other folks for other meals, did a great job of getting lots of food out and filling many bellies.
I can’t wait to see pictures. I wanted them to be downloaded right there, but that was another miss…too many things for AV to deal with!
I’d do a few things differently next time but luckily, there won’t be a next time. I hope we still have friends after THIS event!
Our honeymoon has been nice. We had a great first few days in Seattle. The hotel rocked. We seemed to hit the accommodations in descending order, from nicest to less nice. It’s been okay though because they’ve all had their high points. San Francisco was nice, if not a bit overwhelming. Lots of places to eat and hang out. We’re thankful for the recommendations from our friends.
What have I learned?
That just because we’re on our honeymoon and we’re finally married, we’re still human and we’re on the vacation too…my demons still surface and my fears come along for the ride. Overpacking doesn’t crowd them out, to my dismay.
Do a search for reviews of places you’re going to stay if that’s a big deal. If it’s not a big deal, and you like surprises, then have no fear, there will be lots of surprises.
If internet is a big deal, call ahead and make sure about what’s provided. We read that internet was “everywhere” and it’s not. Wireless connections have been weak.
Make sure your basic needs (food, sleep, health) are NOT compromised. I do this often. It’s a good reminder for marriage. I so easily let my preferences become second on the list and then I end up getting sick, or having a bad time. If I can keep that from happening, then all parties will have a better time. Josh prefers good attitude over his good time. Otherwise, I’m a pain.
Although somewhat delicious at times, Parisian cuisine is too meaty and cheesy for me. It’s okay to not each French. Just because I don’t like meat and cheese doesn’t mean I have bad taste in food.
Relaxing is less about lots of sleep and lots of food and more about unwinding, talking things out, being able to write, and listening to my heart.
I get sick when I don’t listen to myself and when I don’t speak up.
Overall, life keeps going and lessons keep popping up. I have a few things I wish I could’ve done differently regarding the wedding and then the honeymoon, but then again, I think I will just note this stuff and try again another time. Perfection never tells a good story.
No sense in beating myself up over anything. It’s all in the past now.