The Process in Art

Art is often used as a way to process. But what about the process of creating art? Here's my journey...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Too long

No, not the post, silly. The time since I have written.

Well, today I moved into my studio in Fremont. I share it with two other women and it's really nice. It's got bright green walls (which I will alter a tiny bit, of course) and northern light, but because the weather is getting better, I am not worried. It's bigger than the space I have in our tiny apt.!

Recently though, some things have come to light.

I was having a moment with Josh and long story short, he helped me re-connect to my writing. I have left it a bit in the dust for several months...of course I still write, but I don't see it as this amazing thing. I see it as a necessity...and not seeing it as this amazing thing, which it is, has made me take it for granted. I am all about living the truth of myself and yet I have been neglecting one of my main pillars. Josh recommended that I look for work that connects me to writing more. What a brilliant idea! Thank God for that guy!
So I have been looking...
I think having the studio to sew and do other creative things will actually help the writing more. I think I tend to try to be one-track-minded when really, I am multi-tracked. And taking some of the pressure off having to start a business or create a massive inventory or many of the other possible energy zappers makes it more enjoyable again. I can also use the studio to write, when I need another place other than our apt. And we can have our apt. back. I may even be able to get stuff out of storage!
So I'm excited to have some real space to paint, sew, drill, etc. It also means I can get out of my house more...which I need.
So if any of you know of any writing-type jobs (they can be PT of course), then please let me know. My specialty is creative non-fiction.
Okay, I just wanted to update.


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