The Process in Art

Art is often used as a way to process. But what about the process of creating art? Here's my journey...

Friday, January 20, 2006

Time & space to get inspired

It's my third day at the Law Office. Yesterday I did less than the day before and it was great to have time to write emails, letters, and search. I think what has helped me the most is that I have nothing to do and so I get to take care of things that I would normally get too distracted to do at home. I don't have my computer here, which would be nice, but at least I can go through emails and answer them or delete old ones. It's a nice time to do some housekeeping.

Also, I get to search whatever I want and I have roughly 6-7 hours to do so, so it's nice because I can get ideas for things to work on from other people. Not that I want to copy their stuff, but it's nice to see what is out there, what sells, the trends, etc. I will be working here next week as well so I won't be able to start working on anything yet, but at least I can have all the ideas, I have to say that ebay is great.
I don't normally like to go shopping because of all the stressful energy and ebay makes it so much easier to buy things, especially if I know what I want. Fabric, craft supplies, clothing,'s all there and for a lot less. I have to be careful, but I think it's a lot better to buy online than to trek out to the stores. :)
Back to my point. I am just getting ready to do a few things, build some inventory, and hopefully start putting things online to sell. Very exciting. I, of course, will showcase them here first just for you.:)

Seeing how other people put stuff online and are able to sell things, I feel a bit better about the mercantile aspect of my art.
Earlier I mentioned that I tend to get hung up on the business part so I want to keep being intentional about having that not be the only thing I work with. I think once I can start to generate a bit of income, I will be free to do other things; more personal, introspective work. I feel like there is more than one track for my expression...the financial stability is important, but of course so is the inner work. I hope to hold both of those with respect and balance them appropriately.

Side note: One of the families I work for has recommended me to a friend so hopefully that will pan out and then I will have three families. That way I can relax about the art for the time being. But working for three families will also encourage me to manage my time better, which never hurts.

We get a table this weekend so that I have a more proper place to work AND we have a table to eat at (and entertain with!). I look forward to cooking more for other people!

Overall, I am really enjoying the part time work. I like feeling a bit more flexible with my time, as well as only doing what I want to do...I feel like there is a lot more balance in my life with respect to using my body (dancing, cleaning) and also letting my mind let go a lot more. I also have more time to feel inspired...and I don't feel so beat at the end of the day.

Ooh! Josh and I saw a movie "Ecological Design" at the ReStore the other night and it was really inspiring. It's an older movie, but still relevant. We always welcome the encouragement to live our ideals. It might be a hard movie to find...but maybe the library or Scarecrow has it...worth a watch, it's only an 60+ minutes. I am reaffirmed of my passion to live lightly, even if in the city, and I know that with a solid intention, it is possible to do so. I mean, in Colorado the Rocky Mtn. Institute doesn't have to use indoor heating in -20 degree cold because they have a cool is that? It also keeps me connected to the smaller movements of people who are really working hard to create sustainable homes, businesses, lives, etc. See more links on the side of the blog!

Have a great day!


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