The Process in Art

Art is often used as a way to process. But what about the process of creating art? Here's my journey...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Plan

I'm on "vacation" at this point...trying to catch up on some relaxation before the new year starts. But of course, inspiration doesn't take vacation and my mind reels with ideas and concepts as I fall asleep.
Here's something interesting: I am feeling more inclined to do personal art not just to express myself or reflect, but I am feeling drawn to communicate to otehrs how I feel about them. I think I have rarely thought "Hmm, I will make this piece for someone," unless it was a birthday or holiday present. But I realize that I feel a lot of love for friends and family and those people play really important parts in my life and I want to honor them with that.
Challenge: I have so many ideas, where do I start?
And our place is so small, I feel cramped. I will create anyways, I know, but still. I am dreaming of a studio space.
Even if I just make enough money to break even on renting a small space, it would be worth it.
I think I will wait until I am making money to get anything going space-wise. I can work here. It will discipline me to clean up after myself. :) Lots of learning.

It's hard not to work now. Before I had a job it was easy to not work and not feel that bad (guilty, idle, etc) but now, I feel like I have to make the most of my time. I am trying to think of ways to earn money, even if it's a little. I can't turn that part off.


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